Brand Fonts: Why Some Website Typeface Combinations Look So Stunning
Your “brand voice?” It all starts with your brand fonts! And the #1 place to start using your brand fonts is on your website. There are two companies offering you the ability to customize the typefaces on your website, and they’re easy — and often free — to use. In this post, you’re going to […]
Type Styles of the Rich and Famous
Typography tells a story: What do these rich font examples say? Well-designed, rich fonts are beautiful to behold. Their angles and forms are an inspiration. Fonts have a “personality,” and if you tune into what their shapes are trying to say, you can make those traits work for your business. Let’s say on the other […]
Why I Hate the Verdana Font
Of all the web-compatible typefaces available, the least appealing is the Verdana font. And yes, I know it’s used all over. Believe me, I notice! We’ve spoken about choosing typefaces and brand fonts a lot around here. Your font matters — maybe more than you realize. Think about it: Your font choice become the visual […]
16 Essential Brand Building Strategies to Grow Your Business this Year
Your big brand doesn’t just happen. It’s not a fluke. It’s the result of using brand building strategies consistently over time. But what should you focus on first? And how should you go about getting things done? In today’s post, I’m sharing sixteen ways you can whip your brand (and your online business) into shape. […]
Steal This Design: Gorgeous, Upscale Colors & Fonts
This is the first in what might be — if you tell me you want more — an ongoing series here on my website. I’m sharing a color palette, typefaces and a design style that you can steal.
Don’t Do These 5 Dirty Design Deeds
Design is a series of decisions. When you know enough to make good decisions, everything you design looks better. And it’s not hard. Anyone can do it, even you! Maybe it’s because I’m such a visual person, but I see a lot of really bad design decisions out there. I’m ready to call them what […]