How to Stand Out from the Crowd with an Unforgettable Personal Brand

How to Stand Out from the Crowd with an Unforgettable Personal Brand

Oprah Winfrey has a stand out brand. If I say her name, you get an instant image in your mind of Oprah: her physical appearance, her personality, her TV shows, her movie roles, her magazine. As these thoughts flow through your mind, consider that they have been carefully crafted by Oprah’s marketing team over many […]

How to Usher Your Frightened Prospects Along the Path to a Purchase

A woman peeking through a set of blinds

It’s tough enough to build trust when you’re standing right in front of someone. But online trust is even harder! With no social cues, we’re left trying to convince our prospects with mere words.

Fortunately, Sean D’Souza has developed a system for using words to make your prospects feel comfortable along the buyer’s journey. Join us for a free webinar featuring material from his best-selling book, The Brain Audit.

5 Simple Ways to Look for Google Love in All the Right Places

A search engine search bar with a finger pressing on the magnifying glass button

I’m very happy to feature a guest post from Conrad Walton on the blog this week. Conrad helps people get their sites found by search engines by helping them with SEO — Search Engine Optimization. In today’s post, he shares his top tips for making your website stand out. If you still have questions after […]

4 Simple Ways to Run Your Business like an NBA Team Captain

A basketball shot and through a basket ring

I’m very happy to feature a guest post from Laura Petrolino today. Laura’s a sports fan, as we saw in this post. I loved her take on what the best NBA players can teach us about business, and I hope you do, too! –Pamela Wilson Today, the NBA is half sport and half soap opera, […]

The Top 4 Things the NFL Can Teach You About Marketing

A football laid down to a grass field

I’m very happy to feature a guest post from Laura Petrolino today. As you’ll see, Laura has a favorite past time: football. When you read her bio at the end of the post, you’ll ask the same question I did: “how does this woman have time to watch football?” She does, though, and this post […]