Book reviews from Pamela Wilson

A few years ago, I made a vow to read more books.

I started buying more ebooks — they’re my constant companions during my travels.

And I discovered audiobooks, which are easy to consume bit-by-bit while I’m walking in the woods, cooking dinner, painting, or folding laundry. (Such a glamorous life, amirite?)

I hope you enjoy the books I’ve gathered here. I organized them into clickable categories to make it easier to find what you’re in the mood to read.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases from this page. That means when you buy your books with the links on this page, I get a small commission — so thank you in advance for checking them out!

– Pamela Wilson

PS: The images on the page are coming from the US Amazon store. If you’re outside of the United States, they may not show.

Book categories on this page

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Books by Pamela Wilson

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I’ve written a few books myself, so let’s start with those. 🙂

The first one, Master Content Marketing, is a full-fledged resource if you’d like to learn more about how to create content that attracts an audience. It’s available in print, ebook, and audiobook.

Master Content Marketing

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Master Content Marketing book

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The companion book is Master Content Strategy. This book shows you how often to publish new content based on the age of your website. You’ll also learn how to weave in promotions, repurpose content, and keep it updated over time. It’s available in print, ebook, and audiobook.

Master Content Strategy

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Master Content Strategy book covers

The book below is a quick and inexpensive read that will give you a boost (and some good business advice) when you need it.

Proceed with Confidence

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Click the book images to find out more. Affiliate links below.

A More Beautiful Question

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Co-Active Coaching

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Nice Girls Still Don’t Get the Corner Office

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Click the book images to find out more. Affiliate links below.


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Brand Thinking

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Invisible Selling Machine

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Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook

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Make Art, Make Money

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Perennial Seller: The Art of Making and Marketing Work That Lasts

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Predictably Irrational

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The Automatic Customer

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The Referral Engine

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Online Education

Click the book images to find out more. Affiliate links below.

Beyond Satisfaction

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Excellent! Online Teaching

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Make It Stick

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Click the book images to find out more. Affiliate links below.

The 12 Week Year

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Deep Work

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Scaling Your Profitable Business

Click the book images to find out more. Affiliate links below.

Predictable Success

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Profit First

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Turn the Ship Around

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Self-Help & Playing a Bigger Game

Click the book images to find out more. Affiliate links below.

Big Magic

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Executive Presence

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The Miracle Morning

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The Power of Habit

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This is How

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Year of YES

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Click the book images to find out more. Affiliate links below.

5,000 Words Per Hour

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Bird by Bird

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Business for Authors

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Write Better, Faster

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