To be nobody but myself — in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting. –e.e. cummings, poet (1894-1962)
This is such a sweet time of year. The hectic days leading up to the major December holidays are over. We’ve celebrated, relaxed, and are turning our gazes toward the year ahead.
Ready to ring in a fresh, new year?
I have a tradition I like to keep. During this last week I spend some time looking back at the year that’s done, and looking ahead at the year to come. These slower days provide an opportunity to reflect, plan and make adjustments.
I came across the quote above today. It’s perfect for this time of year. What better goal to aim for than to become the best version of ourselves we can be?
Your business is unique, too
Not all of your goals will be personal. If you own a business, you’re probably thinking about what you’d like to accomplish in the year ahead.
As you make your business plans, may I make a suggestion?
Spend some time thinking about what makes your business unique. What makes it unlike any of your competitors? What compliment do you hear over and over from your customers?
Think about the qualities that make your business different from all the rest. Then plan how you’ll emphasize those qualities in your marketing materials in the year ahead.
Positioning your business for the unique qualities it possesses will make you memorable. Your customers will have a clearer idea of why they should do business with you over your competitors.
Keep fighting the battle
This isn’t just an end-of-year question, of course. Positioning your business should be a fluid, ongoing process. But what better time to think about where you’ve been and where you’re headed than right now?
How about you? What makes your business unique? How will you play that up in your marketing materials in the year ahead?