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Cultivate a Bold Approach, Not a Business Plan

A close up of a hand stacking up small wooden blocks that have business related icons on it

Sometimes I think a business plan is the biggest obstacle to actually getting things done.

And I realize that sounds strange coming from someone who has offered a webinar on productivity.

But it’s not the day-to-day to-do list type planning I’m referring to here. It’s the long-term forecast-type planning I mean.

Spending too much time trying to figure out how the future will play out might be the worst thing you can do for your business.

Business plan blues: How to feel overwhelmed and stuck, fast

Back in 2009, I took Copyblogger Media’s Teaching Sells course.

Six years later, I was working for Copyblogger, and teaching the Teaching Sells course. Just after reopening the doors to a new group of students — even though everyone was in the early days of the course — I was already seeing people get stuck.

The most common sticking point is that people want to know — in advance  — if their plan will work.

And many times, they’re asking us, the instructors, to weigh in on their ideas.

And here’s the thing: we actually don’t own crystal balls. We may have a bit more experience, and may have seen many examples of what works, but we don’t actually know for sure.

Which may be a little disappointing to people. I mean, they signed up for this expensive course, and they’re putting the time in. Part of what they expect from the course is reassurance that their idea will work.

But you see, no one knows if an idea will work until it’s actually put into practice.

You have to move beyond your business plan and test your idea.

Ideas, when they aren’t combined with actions, are just concepts.

Business plans are two dimensional. They lay there. They can be pretty to look at, but they don’t really do anything.

Once you combine an idea with action, suddenly it comes to life!

It starts generating data. You see how people interact with your idea. You know what’s working, and what needs improvement.

Suddenly, your idea becomes a thing.

And that thing has a life.

Related: Business Focus: It’s Why Some People Triumph Online and Others Never Make It

Related: How to Build the Perfect Online Business for Your Current Life

Person sitting at laptop putting a business plan in action.

Inject your business plan with life by taking action

When you’re in the early days of a business, trying to decide what to do, remember this:

Exactly what you do almost doesn’t matter. It’s the doing.

The only way to know is to do. The only way to find the path forward is to start putting one foot in front of the other. You’ll find your way.  Just keep moving!

Embrace the beauty of the educated guess

It’s the best-kept secret of thriving businesses.

From the outside, the most successful businesses look like they have the ability to see the future. They know what’s coming, and they prepare for it with new technologies and products that are ready and waiting to usher in a new way of doing things.

But the truth is, everyone is making educated guesses.

No one really knows for sure what will work. Even companies with large research and development budgets and full teams of smart people working on predicting the future don’t know for sure what will work in the real world.

They make educated guesses.

And the more they take action, the more educated their guesses get.

But they’re still guesses.

This is counterintuitive, but it’s the way business works. There are no guarantees, only good guesses, taking action, and responding to what works and what needs adjusting.

Related: Focus in Business: How to Use the Power of Your Mind to Build Your Online Business Faster

Building a business is a messy but beautiful process

Forget about a business plan. There are no guarantees.

Cultivate an approach of making educated guesses, taking action, and making adjustments. That’s what really works.

Ask the right questions to create a business plan that works

To help you make educated guesses that work for your unique business, check out this article: How to Write a Winning Online Business Startup Plan in Less Than 20 Minutes.

Pamela Wilson

Pamela Wilson is the Chief Marketing Officer at DCS. Learn more about her here. Learn more about Pamela’s content marketing books, and read reviews of the tools used to run this site.
Pamela Wilson coaches people in midlife to build profitable online businesses
I’m Pamela Wilson

I've been the secret weapon behind countless business success stories, with hard-won marketing expertise that spans the analog, digital, and AI eras.

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