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How to Fit a Powerful Brand Style Guide on a 3-Inch Sticky Note

A close up of a piece of paper with the text How to Fit a Powerful Brand Style Guide on a 3-Inch Sticky Note

The most powerful brand style guide template isn’t a multi-page document that you glance at a single time.

It’s not an overwhelming brand blueprint that you save deep in the recesses of your hard drive and never review again.

After you read and do the steps in this article, you’ll have a brand style guide that’s simple enough that you can capture it in a single glance.

And it’s small enough to stick somewhere you can see it every day.

My goal is to make it easy to apply your branding elements consistently every time. Consistent application is the #1 secret to a memorable brand!

Let’s dive in so you can put this simple brand style guide template to use today.

The best (and tiniest) brand style guide template

Graphic that says How to Fit a Powerful Brand Style Guide on a 3-Inch Sticky Note

First, let’s quickly review how branding works so you know what you’ll need to include on this powerful little sticky note of yours.

Your brand consists of two main parts:

  • Your verbal brand
  • Your visual brand

Your verbal brand, at a minimum, includes your business name and tagline.

Your visual brand, at a minimum, includes your fonts and colors.

What we’re going to do today is create a powerful (and miniature) brand style guide that will keep all these elements top of mind so you never have to hunt for them again.

Grab a sticky note and let’s start creating your mini brand style guide [examples below]

Here’s a template for your brand style guide. If you haven’t built your brand yet, there are links below you can follow for free guidance on each of these elements.

First, draw a horizontal line at the top, like this example:

Sticky note
Draw a simple horizontal line about 1/3 of the way down the note.

Then, draw a vertical line that divides the bottom part of your sticky note in half, like this example:

Sticky note
Draw a vertical line that divides the bottom part in half.

At the very top, write your official business name as you want to use it every time you talk about your brand. You might remember that I capitalizes BIG when I talked about BIG Brand System, so it’s written that way here so I remembered to do this consistently.

See the example here:

Sticky note
Write your business name across the top with any type treatment (like capitalization) you want to remember to use.

Don’t have a business name or tagline yet? Follow these links:

Directly below your business name, write your tagline as you want it to be written and said:

Sticky note
Add your tagline here. Follow the links in the box above for more on creating a winning tagline.

On the left side, write the HEX codes for your two main brand colors.

A sign on a wooden surface
Add the HEX codes for your two main colors. Don’t have brand colors yet? Follow the links in the box below.

At the bottom of this section, write the HEX code for your accent color with a * next to it. This is the color you’ll use sparingly to draw attention to call-to-action elements like buttons.

Sticky note
Add your accent color with a * so you remember to use it for buttons and other calls to action.

Not sure how to find your best brand colors? Follow the resources below:

On the right side, you’ll note your two main fonts. Usually you’ll choose either a single font family with lots of weights, or two font families that you’ll use for headlines and body text.

Here’s an example of how to fit two font families on the right side.

A sign on a wooden surface
Add your fonts on the right side. Don’t have brand fonts yet? Follow the links in the box below.

Don’t have brand fonts picked out yet? Use the links below to guide you:

Use this template to create an easy-to-follow, powerful reminder

Your brand can only work for you if you apply it consistently. Let’s remove the friction and make it super easy to plug in your most-important brand elements any time you need them.

I’m sure you realize this is not an in-depth brand style guide. It’s more like a minimalist brand style guide that will ensure that you get the basics right every time.

Don’t rely on your memory when it’s time to implement your brand choices! Include the basic elements below so you can apply them the same way every time.

Basic brand style guide elements:

  1. Your business name
  2. Your tagline
  3. Your brand colors
  4. Your brand fonts
brand style guide animation sm
Your mini brand style guide will help you maintain consistency in your visual brand.

Get the How to Brand Anything ebook

How to Brand Anything — free ebook from BIG Brand System that shows you how to brand everything in your business.

For more details on how to brand everything, get my free ebook, “How to Brand Anything: Your Business, Your Idea, Yourself” when you sign up for my regular emails.

The book is a quick read that spells out the three simple steps needed to brand everything in your business.

You get it for free when you sign up for my emails, which deliver branding and business tips straight to your inbox.

Pamela Wilson

Pamela Wilson is the Chief Marketing Officer at DCS. Learn more about her here. Learn more about Pamela’s content marketing books, and read reviews of the tools used to run this site.
Pamela Wilson coaches people in midlife to build profitable online businesses
I’m Pamela Wilson

I've been the secret weapon behind countless business success stories, with hard-won marketing expertise that spans the analog, digital, and AI eras.

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