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8 Weeks to Metamorphosis: How to Create Brand Transformation

A butterfly resting on leaves

How would you like to learn a secret that will make your brand resonate with your target market?

Here it is: the best brands make a promise on the outside about what their customers will experience when they’re inside doing business with that company.

The best marketing is always based on the truth of who a company is, what it represents, and how it can help prospective customers.

Finding your brand’s truth

When you’re running your own business — and you’re in charge of presenting your company to the world —you’re in for a challenge.

It can be extremely difficult to discover your brand’s true image by yourself, and then turn around and present it in a way that invites your perfect customers to do business with your company.

But this work is crucial. Here’s why:

Branding in marketing: Why is it important?

Brands are a shorthand way to present the value our products and services offer. They’re a visual and verbal representation of who are companies are, and why people should do business with us.

And when something’s not quite right, people can tell.

You can’t fake it. When you’ve developed your brand from a place of authenticity that’s in touch with what you offer and what your market needs, something wonderful happens.

It resonates. It becomes memorable. It stands out … in a good way.

Your confidence-based brand

When you’re clear about your message, all your day-to-day marketing tasks are easier. Your promotional efforts flow from a place of confident assurance. You know what your company does best, you know who you want to reach, and your brand reflects it all beautifully.

A brand is a promise. It sets expectations now that you deliver on in the future. It’s important to set accurate expectations, and to reach out confidently to the market you want.

What you should do next

Susan Johnstone and I have developed an 8-week program to help you transform your brand from the inside out. You’ll build confidence and feel great doing those day-to-day marketing tasks.

We’d love to have you join us! If you register before this Friday, October 7, you’ll save $100 on the price of the course.

[EDIT: the program is now closed — but check out the courses here!]

Pamela Wilson

Pamela Wilson is the Chief Marketing Officer at DCS. Learn more about her here. Learn more about Pamela’s content marketing books, and read reviews of the tools used to run this site.
Pamela Wilson coaches people in midlife to build profitable online businesses
I’m Pamela Wilson

I've been the secret weapon behind countless business success stories, with hard-won marketing expertise that spans the analog, digital, and AI eras.

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