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How to Love What You Do, Love Your Customers, Love Your Results


What’s the key to building the kind of business where you absolutely love what you do, love your customers, and love your results?

Let’s start with a simple question. What are you aiming for with this business of yours?

It may be …

  • BIG revenues: You want to earn enough to make a difference in your life, the lives of family members, and the family members of contractors and employees you may hire.
  • BIG impact: You want to make a difference, effect change, and watch as people benefit from the work you do.
  • BIG meaning: You want your business to add meaning to your life and the lives of people it touches.
  • BIG contribution: You want to contribute to a cause or a movement — that’s why you bring in revenue.

What’s your BIG?

Lately, I’ve been making this recommendation:

Think carefully about what motivates you before you put the time and effort into growing an online business.

Because the going will get tough. And when the tough times come, your BIG will see you through.

When you know your BIG, you love what you do

In a perfect world, before we begin to build our businesses we would be ultra-clear about why we’re about to embark on the journey.

But if you’re beyond the early days (and if you’re here, I’m betting you are), it’s not too late. There’s no time like the present for pinpointing your BIG.

Take time to get back in touch with your BIG every few months.

What’s driving you may change, and that’s OK.

  • You may have started out aiming for revenue but find yourself more motivated by the impact you’re having.
  • You may have been aiming for meaning but you discovered that the ability to contribute to a cause outside yourself is what truly drives you.

Every few months, ask yourself if your BIG has evolved.

Why? Read on …

When you know your BIG, you love the customers you attract

Your customer outreach, your marketing language, and the offerings you put together will all change based on what you want to accomplish.

  • Want to build BIG revenues? You’ll focus on high-converting offers and will position them so they’re irresistible to a specific group of people.
  • Want to make a BIG impact? You’ll focus on outreach — to influencers and your prospective audience.
  • Want to create BIG meaning? You’ll get in touch with the aspects of your online business that are significant to you and your audience.
  • Want to make a BIG contribution? You may combine a couple of the techniques above — aiming for revenues, meaning, and impact.

What’s almost miraculous about all of the above is that making these subtle pivots in the way you approach running your business and your marketing has one predictable result:

You attract the right people to your online business — customers who will love what you offer.

It’s a whole lot easier to make offers when you genuinely love your customers. Take the time to get in touch with your BIG and let it influence the way your business shows up.

When you know your BIG, you get the results you actually want

Look, I know we are operating in an online space that makes a big fuss over income. Everywhere you look there’s talk of:

  • 6-figure launches!
  • 6-figure earnings (per month!!!)
  • Location-independent entrepreneurs coming to you from exotic locations!

This hyped-up focus on revenues doesn’t leave space for people who want to build a business that does something more than deliver money to a bank account.

If your business is a complex combination of all the BIG motivators we’ve covered here, I see you. And I have something for you. Read on.

Build an online business you love using my free Roadmap

Online business doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. With the Online Business Success Roadmap, you’ll quickly see that you can ignore most of the information that’s floating around about online business and focus only on the stage you’re in.

Click to register for this free resource.

Pamela Wilson

Pamela Wilson is the Chief Marketing Officer at DCS. Learn more about her here. Learn more about Pamela’s content marketing books, and read reviews of the tools used to run this site.
Pamela Wilson coaches people in midlife to build profitable online businesses
I’m Pamela Wilson

I've been the secret weapon behind countless business success stories, with hard-won marketing expertise that spans the analog, digital, and AI eras.

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