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How to Build a Money-Making Online Offer

Build a money-making online offer when you embrace iteration — just like a cook

Wouldn’t it be nice if every single “recipe” we tried for building a money making online offer worked flawlessly the first time?

We all know it doesn’t work that way — online or in life.

When you use a new recipe to prepare any kind of food, you know that the result may not be perfect right away.

Trying a new recipe shows you what you need to do differently next time.

Recipe results can vary a lot …

Small differences in your local ingredients, the temperature of your stove or oven, and even the cooking utensils you use can have a big impact on how the final dish looks and tastes.

Build a money making online offer (and adapt along the way)

Online business has a long enough history that there are “recipes” for some of the milestones every business needs to hit. Things like:

If you search the web (and I know you do!), you’ll find thousands of pages of advice for how to do any of the tasks above.

But having a “recipe” to follow is just the beginning.

Making the recipe work for you is a matter of testing, adapting, and improving — with a spirit of exploration and optimism.

Related: How to Build Your Business Online, The Ultimate Guide

Here’s how to make online business advice work for your unique situation so you can build a money making online offer fast.

1. Choose your go-to resources

Certain cookbooks on my shelf are stained, dog-eared, and full of sticky notes.

That’s because after trying a few of their recipes, I realized they almost always worked for me. They used ingredients I had on hand, I was able to follow their directions easily, and I got great results.

I trust the recipe creators to offer solutions that work for me.

In the same way, it’s smart to choose one or two go-to sources for online guidance once you see what works for you.

Get the complete playbook to develop a high-value online offer that creates consistent profits for your online business. Check out my Offer Accelerator.

2. Test building your money making online offer in your own environment

My program, the BIG League, gives smart people a simple roadmap to follow to build a money making online offer as part of their online business.

Sometimes new members ask me for a step-by-step plan and timeline they can follow. That’s not what I provide in the BIG League, and here’s why:

A roadmap shows you the best route to use. It doesn’t predict your environment, your driving skills, or which obstacles you might meet along the way.

There’s no single money-making “recipe” that will work for everyone, every time.

When you’re following a roadmap, it’s helpful to have someone with experience riding alongside you — someone who’s made the trip before and can help you push past your obstacles. That is what I offer in the BIG League: A roadmap based on my years of online business experience.

And that’s how I recommend you approach any online tactics you try — as general guidance that you’ll modify to fit your own environment.

3. As you test, take good notes

My cookbooks have lots of notes scribbled in the margins. That’s because as I try out recipes, I note how to change them up the next time I make them.

I might keep them in the oven for longer. I might add less of one ingredient and more of the other.

As you go through the process to build your money making online offer, make good notes.

  • What worked well? What did your audience seem to love?
  • What negative feedback did you get from your audience?
  • What felt like way too much work? Which parts were easy and effective?

This step is the secret to cooking up a successful online offer! Trying, testing, and making good notes so you can adapt and improve the next time around.

I believe approaching your efforts with a spirit of experimentation is the best way to stay optimistic about the online business building process. As long as you’re learning what works, you’re moving in the right direction.

4. Don’t assign emotion to the iteration process

Your online offer involves many moving parts and these parts are different for all of us. There are an infinite number of variations that come from:

Figuring out what works may take a while, and that’s OK. Try not to see things as “failures” or “big wins.”

In the end, every time you make an online offer, it’s primarily a learning experience.

As long as you keep an open mind and heart and continue to learn as you test your ideas, you’ll be able to cook up a money making online offer you can be proud of.

You don’t need to figure this out by yourself

Just follow my Offer Accelerator 4-part Framework. Me and my team will coach you through it and support you along the way. Learn more about the Offer Accelerator.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published April 24, 2019 and has been updated with the latest resources.

Pamela Wilson

Pamela Wilson is the Chief Marketing Officer at DCS. Learn more about her here. Learn more about Pamela’s content marketing books, and read reviews of the tools used to run this site.
Pamela Wilson coaches people in midlife to build profitable online businesses
I’m Pamela Wilson

I've been the secret weapon behind countless business success stories, with hard-won marketing expertise that spans the analog, digital, and AI eras.

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