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How to Build a Sales Page that Hits All the Right Notes

Different colors of music notes mixed up together

If your business does anything online at all, chances are good you’ve had to build a sales page for a product or service.

How much fun did you have?

The truth is, if you’re not creating sales pages on a regular basis, they’re not easy to put together.

Oh sure, if you’re using a landing page builder it’s not difficult to build your sales page physically.

But what should you say? And how should you say it?

Most importantly, how can you tell people that your product or service is amazing without coming off as slimy, pushy, or desperate?

An effective sales page is like a master salesperson

Your sales page needs to do the same things that any decent salesperson would do in a face-to-face interaction.

Your page should:

Establish the need for your product or service

Just like a salesperson opens a conversation by identifying your needs, your sales page should do the same with your prospects. Help them recognize their own challenges, so they become more open to hearing about how your offer will meet their needs.

Create rapport with your prospect

Effective salespeople find ways to connect with you, and highlight your common interests. This builds rapport and trust (see next point).

Build trust in the quality of your business

Good salespeople (and effective sales pages) put your prospect at ease by establishing trustworthiness early on. How? By talking about the company’s years in business, number of customers served, awards and accolades, satisfaction ratings, and the results their customers have achieved.

In short, a good sales page makes a prospect feel like they’re in good hands — like your business is a trustworthy resource.

Related: How to Start an Online Business and Conquer its #1 Challenge

Explain your offer — including features, and the benefits of those features

Before someone will buy your service or your product, they need to understand — in great detail — exactly what you’re offering. Don’t be afraid to include specifics like where your product is from, or how many sessions are included in your service, or exactly how your product or service is delivered. Spell it all out.

Once you’ve detailed the features, move on to the benefits. Talk about how your prospect’s challenges will be met by your offering. Share how their lives will change. Tell them what your features will do for them in clear, compelling language.

Remove objections with a guarantee

Salespeople increase your comfort level by reassuring you that if the purchase doesn’t work out, you can always bring it back for a refund. They let you know their company stands behinds its offerings. Your sales pages should share a rock-solid guarantee that reassures wary prospects.

Motivate your prospect to decide using urgency or scarcity

You know what phrase is the bane of every salesperson’s existence? “I’ll think about it and get back to you,” followed closely by “I need to talk to my [spouse] [significant other] [roommate] [dog] about it. I’ll get back to you.”

That’s why companies use things like time-limited sales, special bonus offers for early deciders, and limited numbers of products or seats at an event. These all work to motivate your prospects to make a decision — now — and give your product a try.

Related: Use These 3 Magic Words So You Can Instantly Write Sales Copy That Builds Your Revenue

Appearances count: Make sure your graphics support your message

Sales pages are a visual experience as much as they are a verbal one.

Think about it: if you’re going to buy a car, you’d think twice about getting one from a dealer whose showroom is disorganized, whose sales staff doesn’t greet you when you walk in the door, and who shows dusty cars that don’t look like they’ve been cared for, right?

Your sales page needs to look organized, welcoming, and classy. Appearances count, especially when you’re selling something without the benefit of human contact.

My friend Kelly Kingman says there are two kinds of sales page readers, Divers and Skimmers. If your page isn’t designed to appeal to both, you may be missing out.

By the way, my favorite image editing tool is PicMonkey (that’s an affiliate link).

Divers love details

  • Divers spend lots of time with your page.
  • They read every detail you share.
  • Because they commit time to your page, you’ve got to give them a good reason to dive in. Using compelling images, headlines and subheads will help.

Skimmers want the story — fast

  • Skimmers want the big picture quickly.
  • They scan headlines, images and subheads and then scroll right down to the price.
  • They may double back for more detail, but they tend to make a quick decision.

Your goal is to set up your page so that it appeals to both Divers and Skimmers, using copy and images that work together to share your message in a way that’s cohesive, appealing, and convincing.

Pamela Wilson

Pamela Wilson is the Chief Marketing Officer at DCS. Learn more about her here. Learn more about Pamela’s content marketing books, and read reviews of the tools used to run this site.
Pamela Wilson coaches people in midlife to build profitable online businesses
I’m Pamela Wilson

I've been the secret weapon behind countless business success stories, with hard-won marketing expertise that spans the analog, digital, and AI eras.

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