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Repurposing Content Across Channels — Content Marketing Strategy with Kronda Adair

I knew I wanted to talk to Kronda Adair the moment that I saw the product she built for easily repurposing content across many channels. It’s called the Pot ‘O’ Gold Content Marketing Database

It’s brilliant — and it’s similar to what I was dreaming about when I wrote my book Master Content Marketing.  

Kronda shared her thoughts about content marketing and content repurposing in this episode of the Online Business Expert Series.

Watch the video above for the full interview, and subscribe to my YouTube channel to get weekly online business guidance.

Kronda developed a passion for digital marketing so she founded Karvel Digital, an agency that helps mission-driven service-based businesses automate their marketing to create a predictable sales pipeline.

Kronda also has a program called Content Bootcamp, which is a 12-week online intensive that teaches overwhelmed entrepreneurs how to create and use content as an asset. 

Repurposing content across channels is an important part of your content marketing strategy

Related: How to Build a Money-Making Online Offer

Kronda believes you should treat your content like an asset. But before you think about repurposing content across channels, it’s important to see how content creation isn’t the same as content marketing.

Kronda explains content marketing to people who aren’t in the marketing sphere in a simple way — content marketing is like television.

Just like soap operas were created to sell products to homemakers, content marketing is designed to deliver entertaining, informative, or engaging content that sells your offer to a prospective customer.

content marketing kronda adair

“Your content is the entertaining or useful stuff that gets the eyeballs — that gets people’s attention. And then the marketing is you using their attention to present your offer.”

Kronda uses “offer” in a broad sense — it’s the next step that you want someone to take on their customer journey with you.

Creating content without a strategy is exhausting. You want to know that the work is going to pay off at some point.

So how do you use content strategically, where it actually does that work of getting the right eyeballs on your offer?

Kronda says the key is the order of operations. She recommends you start with your offer and work backwards.

Ask yourself what people need to believe and understand in order to have the mindset to purchase your offer — and to succeed with it.

That will give you ideas for what you need to create to move people along this belief chain toward purchasing your offer. 

Related: How to Make an Irresistible Online Offer

Approach creating and repurposing content across channels with the customer journey in mind

When you’re mapping out your customer journey, think about what stage they’re in. What do they need to know? Kronda spells it out, step by step.

“People at this stage of the journey who know nothing about what we do need content so that they understand the problem. Maybe they’re problem-unaware. So we need content at the beginning of the funnel to make them problem-aware. 

Then in the middle of the funnel, maybe they’re problem-aware, but they don’t know that there’s a solution — or they don’t know what the solution is.

So then we need content to make them solution-aware. And not just solution-aware, but ‘Yes, we have the solution and we can implement it for you.’ ”

Your prospective customer might be comparing your offer to competitor’s offers, but often it’s something else.

Photo of Kronda Adair and text: Use content to make customers aware of the cost of inaction.

Prospective customers often need to understand the cost of inaction.

That’s why you need to think carefully about content strategy.

  • What’s the purpose of your content? 
  • Where are you trying to move people to? 
  • Where are they on their journey? 

Put the right content in front of your customers to keep them moving to the next step.

Related: If Not You, Who? How to Go To Bat for Your Content

What content do you need at each stage of the customer journey?

The best way to find out what questions your prospects need is by serving your customers, even if your current client list is small.

Pay attention at every step of the customer journey. What questions are your customers asking? 

Also listen to your prospective customers. Pay attention to your followers on social media to see what they’re saying about their content marketing needs.

And you can come right out and ask straightforward questions:

  • What’s frustrating to prospects about the problem that you solve?
  • What do they wish they’d known about?
  • What didn’t your prospects get that they needed or asked for?

To help with the content creation process, Kronda’s Content Marketing Pot ‘O’ Gold, which runs on Airtable, contains a resource called the 10-Minute Guide to Profitable Content. 

The guide is strategic: Create a matrix of 10 topics that you want to be known for, and add 10 subtopics under each. You then have 100 ideas that you can use for creating and repurposing content across channels without losing focus on your area of expertise.

Questions like the examples above are how I found Kronda. She asked a question on Facebook, and the answers turned into an interesting conversation.

In her Facebook post, Kronda added a link to her amazing product — the Pot ‘O’ Gold Content Marketing Database. It was something I was looking for, to help me make repurposing content across channels easier (if you’ve spent any time on my website, you know there’s a lot of content).

Photo of Pamela Wilson and Kronda Adair talking about repurposing content across channels.

The Facebook conversation led us to this interview about content marketing and repurposing content across channels. I was so excited to finally find the tool I’d been wanting for years!

Ask what your customers need, answer questions, and make your pitch with confidence

The Pot ‘O’ Gold Content Marketing Database helps online business owners create and repurpose their content without trying to keep up with more established online businesses.

You don’t need to try to “keep up” with them — you have already created resources at your fingertips.

“What you have to be able to do right out the gate is talk to people, ask questions, listen to their problems, answer their questions, offer solutions, make your pitch.”

Don’t just answer people’s questions — let them know you have an offer that will solve their problems.

“It’s fine for the solutions or the answers to people’s questions to be, ‘Here’s my offer. I help people solve this and I do it for money.’ 

“A lot of people, I think, skip over making that pitch because they don’t want to seem salesy, but if people have the problem that you solve, then tell them that you solve it and let them know how they can buy it.”

Marketing has become complex, but it’s also much easier to have two-way conversations than it used to be. Interconnectedness, especially on social media, makes it easy to hear the questions people are asking.

To quote Kronda: 

“Don’t die wondering.”

Related: Why Symptoms (Not Solutions) Are Your Copywriting Secret Weapon

Use content strategically to send people to your offer

When you think about creating and repurposing content across channels, it’s easy to drift away from the content you most want to be known for. 

How do you stay focused on your best content, repurposing it across channels, to ensure you send people back to your offer?

Kronda uses her podcast Begin As You Mean to Go On to illustrate her strategy.

  • Take a transcript from a podcast episode
  • Create blog posts
  • Create quote posts
  • Create audiograms from podcast clips for social media
  • Take podcast snippets to create Reels

She emphasizes that you can choose your favorite medium. You don’t have to create a podcast or YouTube channel to be successful with content marketing.

“Blog posts are still a thing. People are still searching on the internet for the answers to their problems, and your blog posts could be that answer. 

“And the thing about it is, if you don’t have that content out there, then you’re not part of the conversation — because you’re not searchable.”

When repurposing content across channels, the key is to use a combination of how you want to show up, what you can produce long term, and the topics you want to be known for. Your topics are important for search engines.

Sometimes a great piece of content happens by accident.

How big mistakes can lead to pillar content

Kronda discovered how industry mistakes can lead to content that performs well for years.

“Very early on, I had a client who wanted to use GoDaddy as their webhost and I was having so many problems. I literally spent five hours doing something that would’ve taken me 15 minutes on a different platform.

“And I wrote a big, long article, about why I hate GoDaddy and you shouldn’t use it. And that is still to this day — it’s the most visited page on my website, for good or ill. It really hit a chord with people. And so it drives a ton of traffic to my site.

“When you feel strongly about something like that, or you see a mistake that people are making over and over again, that’s a great clue that that should be some pillar content for you.”

Related: Content Marketing Mistakes: Why Bad Content is Good for All of Us

Treat your content like an asset

When you’re repurposing content across channels, remember to include social media posts and email.

Kronda has made $10,000 from Facebook posts. She made sure she captured those posts in case she left the groups she was in so she could repurpose that content elsewhere.

If you use an email service provider like ConvertKit (affiliate link) or Active Campaign and you want to move your content elsewhere, it’s not an easy task to export all those messages. It’s smart to capture them outside your email provider.

Because it runs on Airtable, Kronda’s Pot ‘O’Gold Content Marketing Database is also searchable and easy to organize. 

I was thrilled to find this solution and excited to talk with its creator, Kronda Adair, about one of my favorite topics — content marketing!

Where to find Kronda Adair online

Pamela Wilson

Pamela Wilson is the Chief Marketing Officer at DCS. Learn more about her here. Learn more about Pamela’s content marketing books, and read reviews of the tools used to run this site.
Pamela Wilson coaches people in midlife to build profitable online businesses
I’m Pamela Wilson

I've been the secret weapon behind countless business success stories, with hard-won marketing expertise that spans the analog, digital, and AI eras.

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