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Homepage Design Ideas: How to Make Money from “Hello”

A woman posing for the camera next to text that says Homepage Design Ideas: How to Make Money from “Hello”

This article features homepage design ideas that will help you get this response from people who land on your website:

Renee Zellweger posing for the camera

Because really, isn’t that the effect we want?

We want our site visitors to say:

  • “I’m home! This is the place I’ve been searching for.”
  • “This site was designed just for me!”
  • “After a long search, I have found my people.”

Wondering how to design a homepage that has that kind of impact? It’s easier than you think.

In How to Create a Homepage for Your Online Business, I shared exactly what is the best content to put on your homepage.

We covered the three essential elements every effective homepage features. They are:

  1. A high-impact website tagline
  2. A clear path to find out more
  3. An invitation to stay connected via email

Today’s article is going to share homepage design ideas so those three elements have maximum impact.

First off, let’s answer the obvious questions …

Why do websites need to have a homepage?

Your homepage has a crucial job to do! It answers the #1 question on the minds of your site visitors …

What’s in it for me?

I refer to this as WII-FM, and it’s the radio station playing in the ears of every person who’s cruising the web.

You see, they’re truly only interested in your business to the extent that it can help them.

Sounds kind of selfish, doesn’t it?

But it’s true.

People aren’t out on the web looking for how they can send money to random businesses.

It’s quite the opposite …

They’re out looking for random businesses that will help them with their big problems right now.

These homepage design ideas will show them your page meets their needs — fast.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”Your homepage should make it crystal clear that you empathize with site visitors’ challenges; that you have solutions that will help; and that you want to keep in touch. ” quote=”Your homepage should make it crystal clear that you empathize with site visitors’ challenges; that you have solutions that will help; and that you want to keep in touch.”]

Do I need to be a designer to use these tips?

No. Most website themes are already set up to give you a beautifully designed homepage.

The issue I see with people I coach?

They don’t know what to add to the sections that are built into their themes.

Read on to learn homepage design tips that will help you deliver beautiful design and high-impact copy on your site’s homepage.

On my homepage, should I talk about my business or … what?

Such a great question!

On first glance, it seems like our homepage should be where we introduce our businesses. That makes sense, right?

But actually, we need to focus on delivering a compelling answer to that “What’s in it for me?” question.

To the extent you’ll talk about your business, it will be to mention it as the solution for your customer’s current challenge.

It’s a little counterintuitive, I know. Read on for examples that show you how to make it work.

Crystal clear, client-centered copy is Job #1

At the top of your homepage, welcome visitors with a bang.

Feature a beautiful photo that communicates what you do. Make sure the photo looks features the “after” image — not the “before” image.

For example, if you sell teeth whitening products, don’t feature an image of someone with yellowed teeth, thinking you want to show the customer you want to attract. Instead, feature your benefit and show an image of someone with a big, brilliant smile.

Above or on top of the photo, add your website tagline.

This is a short statement that communicates the main benefit or transformation your business offers. For more on how to craft this text, grab the Winning Homepage Checklist:

How to Create a Homepage

Tagline examples:

  • Our teeth whitening business could say, “Make your smile bright so your happiness shines through.” 
  • A business coach for restaurant owners could say, “We help restaurant owners create a roadmap to more profits.”
  • A web copywriter could say, “Get high-impact copy that sells for you while you sleep.”
  • An app developer could say, “Go from idea to flawless finished app in less than 45 days.”
  • An online course owner could say, “Take your online business to new heights with our courses.” (Wait … that sounds familiar.)

If writing your tagline doesn’t come easy, I highly recommend Don Miller’s Building a Storybrand book. For less than $20.00, Don walks you through his process for clarifying your marketing message so customers understand how they benefit immediately.

Make sure the tagline font is large, clear, and easy to read. This means it should “pop” from the background. If you’re not sure, do the “squint test.” Stand back from your screen, squint your eyes a little, and make sure you can still read your tagline.

On your homepage, include testimonials from happy customers who can speak for your business. As well-crafted as you might make your message, hearing someone else sing your praises is even more believable.

Again, make sure these are easy to read. They should feature the customer’s name and photo. Learn more about gathering and using testimonials.

Clean, branded homepage design is Job #2

Your homepage is the first place you can establish your visual brand.

If you haven’t worked with a designer to develop a visual brand, get started by making a couple of simple decisions.

Choose a minimal color palette and use those colors consistently in everything you do.

Select no more than two fonts and feature them on your site, on any images you create, and in any downloadable materials you put together.

Here’s another homepage design idea that’s more an organizational tip: Divide your homepage into clear sections and keep copy light.

You want visitors to capture what you do in a quick glance, so organize your information into sections and aim for clear, readable copy in each.

An prominent path forward is Job #3

Use plenty of images on your homepage: they break up blocks of copy and help readers to absorb your information quickly.

Remember, you want to:

  • Show site visitors how they’ll benefit from your what your business offers
  • Build trust by communicating clearly, presenting a polished brand, and letting others sing your praises with testimonials
  • Give people a way to stay engaged with your business — more on this below

Once you’ve piqued their interest, show them how to stay in touch with an opt-in incentive that will give them an easy way to make progress toward solving the problem that brought them to your homepage in the first place.

When you move interested site visitors onto an email list, you can continue to nurture the relationship over time. It’s the perfect way to help a random website visitor raise their hands, express interest, and become a prospect.

Get these homepage design ideas in a handy checklist

Working on your homepage right now?

Grab my Winning Homepage Checklist: It’s free!

How to Create a Homepage

Pamela Wilson

Pamela Wilson is the Chief Marketing Officer at DCS. Learn more about her here. Learn more about Pamela’s content marketing books, and read reviews of the tools used to run this site.
Pamela Wilson coaches people in midlife to build profitable online businesses
I’m Pamela Wilson

I've been the secret weapon behind countless business success stories, with hard-won marketing expertise that spans the analog, digital, and AI eras.

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